miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012


Hi, I'm Adrián, 

I'm seventeen and I study on Sant Gervasi School of Mollet del Vallès. I'm study the branch of technology to do after the career of physics. I have this idea on mind since three years ago. I love the numbers and the chocolate, but the mostly thing I love is the music. I play the electric guitar and the electric bass guitar since years ago. I have a punk/rock band to play our favorite songs and to do so much concerts, because we will be a famous band. 

I think that is good idea create a English blog on the English class to help our problems for the part of writing on  PAU.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Adrian I didn't know you were playing in a band!!! What a big surprise!!

    1. Yes, I have a new band since six months more or less and on the first weekend od May we have a concert with another two bands.

  2. How did you join this new band? How did you meet the members of your new band? Today I've seen that one old student of mine has been given a prize because of his success with his band Amelie!!!! So you see, everything is possible Adrian!

    1. Wow! It's amazing!!!
      Yes! I enjoy a lot play with my new band and I enjoy all the moments that we live together. I meet the members of the band on the school except one, the bassist, he was an old friend of the drummer and then, he presents and now we play together.

  3. So, how often do you rehearse? What do you think about these new bands that are nowadays popular in Catalonia like "Els Manel" or "Amics de les Arts"...?

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
